e mërkurë, 10 shtator 2008


these days definetly gonna stay in our minds as one of the best in our lifes so far!

feeling like a total stranger in a world full of idiots isn´t easy so when you meet people you feel connected to it´s a gift already but what we experienced the last six days was quite overwhelming!

we had to go to moonic for the fabric fair as well as we wanted to organize a shooting with our old homies from the Unitedskateboardartists.

well as destiny choses to put you on the right path sometimes we still were in contact with the guys from Emillionskateboarts which we meet in frankfurt eralier this year so we decided to have a beer with them at the famous Augustiner beergarden... and from that moment on everything was just in perfect harmony!!!

we laughed till our stomaches hurt, cruised through the bavarian landscape on motoradls, visited the momskis were we had the most delicious spaghetti bolognese prepared by monsigniore matt and cooking nazi jansen, went swimming on the beautiful chambolaia, invented the superhorstjansen burschenverein, snuggled up all together in the garden, drank homemade raspberry liquor and smoked homegrown weedizzle, climbed up mountains in the rain and slept at the tegernseer hüttn eating kaiserschmarrn and leberchas, had really good conversations and alltogether were just happy!

so thanks to the universe for these lovely days!

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